We all know just how important a landing page can be. The landing page is where new, potential clients will "land" on your website before they are intrigued to read more. And if they like what your business offers, then chances are they will proceed to your About Us page. This result is why this page is one of the essential parts of your website. It is here that new clients can learn even more about what your business represents, and it will probably be here that they will decide whether they like it or not. This decision is why a well-composed About Us page is necessary for any successful business website! However, this is not the only reason why its importance matters!
A well-composed About Us page offers facts to the clients
The internet is, as you already know, pretty vast. In this sea of information, it can often be tough on people when they need to decide between brands or companies. Furthermore, it can be even harder for people to choose and pick from what is real and what is fiction! This decision-making process is why people will go to the About Us page. That's where they expect to find hard, cold facts about your business. Remember - it's crucial not only to speak about your product or what you are selling! People are interested to learn about you and what you stand for as well! They are also trying to see if they can trust your excellent marketing strategy, and this is where you can convince them!
So, what type of information should you put on your well-composed About Us page?
Well, the first thing is who exactly you are and how you came to be up to this point in time. This page is where you can tell them a little about the history of the company, what your mission/vision for the future is. You also need to demonstrate that you have the skills the visitors will need, as well as the experience to assure them they are in safe hands.
What questions will a well-composed About Us page answer?
Of course, if the visitors are searching for information on your About Us page, they probably have many questions about your business. This point in the user process is where the importance of your About Us page shines! When they visit it, if you can answer these questions, they will leave satisfied and with faith in your company.
There are a couple of things to think about here. First, you need to predict what kind of questions they will have. These questions are why you need to be careful about the content on your website. Think about what kind of questions the articles and pages you have can create. Then, you will know what to address on your About Us page.
Secondly, you need to take care of the way you offer your information. If it is only one giant block of text, people will not bother reading it. That's why you need to make your website user-friendly- it will show just how approachable your company is as well!
When it comes to the questions you need to answer, these are among the most common ones:
• Who you are as a company.
• What type of business are you - private, public or a family-run company?
• Exactly what makes you different from other companies - this is where a well-composed about us page will shine.
• What type of services can you offer, as well as the way you do the job.
• A little bit about your history and your mission or core values.
How to make my About Us page great?
So, now that you know just how vital a well-composed About Us page is, let's talk about how to make it more than great! As you have already realized, the About Us page is one of the fantastic ways to get more traffic to your website. Making it sharable should be on top of your list of priorities. Try to make it so that a person stumbling onto it, or getting a link to it, will be interested in reading more. You can do this by making unique visual choices, adding exciting and intriguing photos and creating a fantastic hook for the page.
A thing to remember, though, is that there is an excellent thread you balance when creating an About Us page. If you write too little, or too modestly about your business, you are selling it short. If you write too much about it, it may appear you are bragging, and this can put some people off. This result is why you need to be extra careful when sitting down to write the text.
Before that, though, make sure you thoroughly plan where everything will go. Decide on what exactly you will want to answer, and what sections will follow each other. The page needs to be interesting, but it also needs to be logical. Jumping from one topic to the next can sometimes confuse the reader and make them give up! Make sure you even think about your target group when doing this - you are writing for them!
To conclude, there are many advantages to a well-composed About Us page. This tab is where your readers will go for facts - and this is where you will hook them and get their trust. It is a great way to attract new clients and audiences, as well as one of the cruxes of selling your products or services. Because of this, make sure you think everything through before constructing it!