Where is your website traffic currently coming from? If you're hoping and relying on people to find your business through a Google search, search engine optimization (SEO) must be at the top of your priority list.

Understand SEO
It's so easy to let SEO slip off your radar in favor of other daily tasks. Whether you're a big business or a smaller business with limited time, the best SEO strategies to boost rankings in Google can be incredibly time-consuming and hard to manage on your own. The good news is, once you understand the basics of SEO, you can create a strategy that will help improve the quality and authority of your website. If you want to understand what SEO is, it's essential to keep an open mind.
Here are four things you should do to increase your website's Google search rankings.
Website Analysis
I know you're not going to read an article on a blog called "5 SEO Strategies to Increase Your Google Rankings" and then got right to work.
Since that's not the case, you're going to need to know what you can do to drive more traffic to your website over some time. The first step in improving your SEO is to determine where your website traffic is coming from.
Does Google or some other search engine result in a large number of visitors to your site? Some people get discouraged when their search traffic doesn't come from Google. But, don't get discouraged because generating traffic from other channels, like social or referral, can help you develop a more significant number of organic traffic.
Research and Use Keywords
To increase the chances of someone finding your site through a search engine, you need to research and utilize the proper keywords throughout your site and within your content. Keywords are an excellent way for you to tell Google what your content is about, thus allowing Google to rank you for the desired keyword.
When searching online for a product or service, people will search with different levels of intent. While some might be searching to get an answer to a question, others might be looking for something like a direct response.
Here's a good example: If I am getting divorced and I live in Connecticut, one of the first things I would do before contacting an attorney is doing free research. So, I would go to Google and look for Connecticut child custody laws and how it's determined.
If a law firm has taken the time to publish a great piece of content answering this question and ranks highly for it, I've now landed on their blog or website and have begun building trust with your firm. I might even start exploring your website, reading about the attorneys, and getting in touch with you.
This is why keyword research is so critical in all parts of the customer funnel.
Be Strategic with Your Content
There are no ifs, and's, or buts about it; you need to write great content! But sometimes, you also need to think strategically. You need to make sure you're writing content in a way that gets people to find your site by searching for the keywords you want them to. In other words, if people aren't trying to find your site, and they aren't going to find it by simply doing a Google search, then you have to do a better job of getting your keywords in front of people's eyes.
When writing content, don't duplicate content or keyword stuff. These are sleazy SEO tactics that SEO services providers should never use because Google is more intelligent than you think, and it will only set you back in your SEO journey.
Link Building
Building a good, quality backlink profile for your website is a great way to increase your site traffic and Google rankings. You can create quality backlinks by utilizing proper anchor text placement and linking your content to popular pages, such as your about page, service pages, blog articles, or the product page.
There are various ways to build backlinks, but as mentioned earlier in this article, there are the right ways and the wrong ways.
The best way to build backlinks, safely and strategically, is through manual outreach guest posting.
If you want to run and scale a successful business, it is essential to be committed to the long-term vision. It is easy to get caught up in the immediate success of new social media accounts and accounts on popular blogging platforms. Still, if you're interested in long-term, consistent online success, pay attention to these four SEO strategies to help increase your Google rankings.
Contact The Dillon Ross Group today for a free discovery call if you need help creating content for your website, building backlinks, and overall implementing better SEO.